Tozaki Shrine

We’re staying in a more residential area of Japan this month, without a car.  Our hosts who live on the property, Momoko and Tsutomu, have been kind enough to pick us up at the train station, show us around, and offer us rides when they are headed into town. (There are also buses from our neighborhood that run into Kyoto periodically, but we haven’t tried them yet.)

Continue reading “Tozaki Shrine”

Earthquake Alert

After our phones alerted us to this earthquake (elsewhere, and we didn’t feel it at all), we had a discussion about earthquakes, which led to yet another discussion about death.

Do people die in this country? -Theo

Yes, people die in this country. People die in all countries. -Me

Will I die someday? -Theo

Yes, someday. Probably not for a long time. -Me

I don’t want to die. -Theo

I hear that you don’t want to die. Most people don’t want to die. -Me

I don’t want to die. -Theo

(Very brief pause)

Can we have lunch now? -Theo


(Theo, post-discussion, counting mochi to determine if we have the correct number for our lunch-time soup.)

Cherry Blossoms

We deliberately timed our stay in Kyoto to coincide with cherry blossom season. The blossoms themselves are lovely, but at least as enjoyable as the flowers is watching other people appreciate them. Strolling and looking at trees (or picnicking underneath them) seems to be an activity in itself, and almost everyone stops to pose for photos, sometimes dressed in traditional Japanese clothes.


Continue reading “Cherry Blossoms”

A Kyoto Cooking Class – With A Preschooler

As I’ve written before, this is a month without external childcare, which means less time to explore solo. I still really wanted to take a cooking class in Kyoto, so I decided to bring Theo to the bento box class at Cooking Sun. (Their registration form let me add a child under five for free so I took them at their word that preschoolers were okay.)

Continue reading “A Kyoto Cooking Class – With A Preschooler”

Buying Rice

Theo and I walked to the local rice shop, only to find it closed. (Boo.)

Luckily, in front of the rice shop we found a rice vending machine. (Yay!)
