Playtime and S’mores at Ping Fai Festival

With fancy baked goods, homemade ice cream, and boutique style clothes and jewelry, the Ping Fai Festival in Chiang Mai felt very much like something we might have found in Oakland, California. (But with lots more Thai food.)


Theo played with these two boys for about an hour: running, chasing, and playing tug-of-war with sticks. (Rambunctious kid fun transcends all language barriers.) We had to corral them periodically to ensure that they didn’t run into deep friers or permanently injure one another with sticks.



We ate super-unhealthy food for dinner while listening to live music. Mmmm… deep fried potatoes with a vaguely cheesy substance on top. We also had a cheese sandwich, deep fried tofu, deep fried taro, and a Guinness. Then, to complete our slide into decadence, we made s’mores.

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