Zagreb: What We Enjoyed the Most

We really enjoyed Zagreb, and in my mind it contends with Lyon as the most livable place we’ve stayed thus far: lots of activities within easy walking distances and really good food (and coffee).


To my taste, the cappuccinos really couldn’t be any better, and the staff was so very friendly. Overall, the coffee in Zagreb was good, but Express was my favorite, and I went here almost every day.


Cafe – Slastičarnica Aida

Amazing cakes, especially the creamy cheesecake and the chocolate bomb. On one of our many visits, my sister Joanna and I paid for our cake and then left without it. A man came running out after us in the cold to bring us our bag. When buying more cake later, I was reminded by two staff members (with smiles) to not forget my cakes this time.


Royal India Restaurant

Good Indian food in a nice environment – this was our first meal in Zagreb, and we made it our weekly Indian place.  The honey chili cauliflower is pretty amazing.

Fajn Bistro

Small, cozy restaurant with excellent, fresh food. Brian and I were able to sneak away for a toddler-free dinner while Mom and Joanna watched Theo.

Advent Markets

Even though I’m not at all traditionally Christmas-y in the consumerist or religious sense, I loved the many advent markets that dotted the city from our arrival until January 1st. Warm beverages, pretty lights, and live music are my favorite parts of the season.


Dolac Market

Huge, multi-level daily market where we could (and did) buy pretty much everything, from fresh produce to croissants to tofu.


Zagreb Puppet Theater

This was almost certainly Theo’s favorite. He saw two 60-minute plays here (entirely in Croatian) and was asking for more at the end of each.


Room Escape Zagreb

I’m going to guess that this was Joanna’s favorite considering how much she campaigned for us to go back after our first visit. (We did.) She, Brian, and I paid to be locked in a room (twice) and solve puzzles, one day to rob a bank, and the next day to save the world from a nuclear holocaust. We managed to accomplish the second, but not the first, which all in all seems like a reasonable outcome.


ASTRA – in the center of Zagreb

We once again used Air B&B to book an apartment and were very happy with it – it was cozy, quiet, and within easy walking distance to everything we needed.