Kathputli Colony

In the 1950s, traveling puppeteers from Rajasthan set up a tents in a field on the outskirts of Delhi. Today that space is Kathputli Colony, which has been enveloped by the expanding Delhi and is now home to around 30,000 people. The colony’s name points to its history – Kathputli means puppet in Hindi. The colony is still home to puppeteers, and also to magicians, snake charmers, acrobats, musicians, wood carvers, and many other types of artists.

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Quick Stay in Bangkok

Our four days in Bangkok were a bit of a blur, reminding us why we normally stay in place for a whole month. However, in addition to trying to keep on top of our usual lives, we managed to explore a high-tech play space, eat a tasty vegetarian/Thai lunch sans child (who we enrolled in preschool for two days), speak about Neo-4j (Brian), and even do a tiny bit of sight-seeing (Amanda).


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Cooking in Thailand

Leaving India was hard, not the least because we love Indian food and were spoiled by the ubiquity of amazing vegetarian options. (Okay, we also were spoiled by having a really good cook.)

However, I’ve been surprised by just how much I’ve been enjoying Thai food as well – and after two cooking classes, how competent I feel at cooking several Thai meals at home.

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