Our Voyage on the Oscar Wilde

We took the overnight ferry from Rosslare, Ireland to Roscoff, France. Theo was talking about the boat trip for a couple of months before we left, but once we actually boarded the Oscar Wilde, it took about half the trip for him to be convinced that we were actually on a boat.


(In the photo above, Brian is trying to convince Theo that we are on a boat as we depart. Theo is not buying it.)

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Rethinking Our Luggage

The weight and size of our luggage seemed much more reasonable in the US than it does in Europe. Maybe it’s the conversion to the metric system. Or maybe it’s all of the cobblestone streets and narrow stairways. Regardless, we’re contemplating ditching the suitcase (and a considerable amount of our stuff) and obtaining a second backpack instead. We’ll see.


Our Home Is Where Our Food Is

I’m frequently asked where “home” is. We left the US from our previous residence in Oakland, California, but we don’t have a set place to return to when we eventually finish traveling. We left a few possessions with family in Ohio and New York, but most of what we own is traveling with us. So, in many ways, home is pretty much wherever we are, even if it’s for just a short period of time.

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