Kawaii at DisneySea

While waiting in line for a small roller coaster at DisneySea Tokyo, Theo befriended a gaggle of young adults who took turns lending him their Disney apparel and then chorusing “kawaii” (cute) when Theo would model it.

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Even though the roller coaster was small, it still proved too much for Theo, who went from excited to terrified in about two seconds. Maybe he’ll try again in a couple of years.


We decided to brave DinesySea (and small roller coasters), even though neither Brian nor I are particularly Disney-ish. We’re still not Disney converts, but it was an interesting day. My favorite parts were people watching (lots of costumes and enthusiasm!) and finding all of the interesting popcorn flavors throughout the park. (Though we never located the fabled wasabi popcorn.) Brian enjoyed a talking turtle show that none of us could understand. Theo liked the carousel and chasing a stingray.
