Small Experiments in Daily Life

One of the things that I like about switching residences (and countries) every month is that it pushes us to experiment with how we orchestrate our lives. This naturally applies to what we cook, where we buy food, where we take Theo to play, etc.  It also gives us a natural break point to revaluate our schedules and division of household responsibilities.

For example, in past months we’ve tried to pretty much split responsibilities each day – one adult will drop off Theo at school and fix lunch, while the other adult will pick him up and fix dinner. This month, we have experimented with switching responsibilities by whole days, leaving the other adult mostly free from 8:30 am to 7:00 pm to work, play, explore, or just do whatever.

We’re leaving Thailand for Vietnam this weekend. New house, new food, new playgrounds,  new preschool, new spaces to explore. We’ll see what stays the same, and what we experiment with next.
