Country Walks

The sun doesn’t set until 9 pm, which gives me about an hour and a half of daylight after Theo goes to sleep, so I’ve been talking walks.


I lived in a rural area for many years, but after being in cities for the past six years, it’s shockingly quiet. Well, shockingly quiet aside from the birds, insects, cows, and dogs. But very few cars, people, or airplane noises.


The roads are closely guarded by hedges, where everything grows: blackberries, thistles, flowers, and cows.


(Okay, okay, the cows don’t grow in the hedges, but they do peer over them. With attitude.)


The blackberries in the hedges are alluring, but seem to be about 50% worm infested. I remember my dad telling me how he thought that the worms probably made the blackberries sweeter. I’ll report back if I decide to test this theory.

And because the sunsets really are lovely: an obligatory sunset photo. Enjoy!
